Hey There.
I'm Pablo

My Recent Works

My Articles

Creating CSS3 Animated Backgrounds From Scratch

One CSS property not commonly used is the filter property, CSS filters are a powerful tool. Authors can use to achieve varying visual effects (sort of like Photoshop filters for the browser).

See Article
Build a quick and easy desktop app with Electron

Creating your Desktop app can be easy with Electron. You can build cross-platform applications that work in any OS. In this tutorial, we will use a vanilla javascript project to turn it into an Electron app.

See Article
useRef Hook in React

This article provides a clear, practical explanation of the useRef hook in React. It explains a topic that sometimes causes a bit of confusion to developers, especially to React beginners.

See Article

About me

Hi, I'm Pablo Zambrano. I am a product-focused software developer from Quito-Ecuador. My expertise is in web technologies, particularly JavaScript and Ruby on Rails. I focus on delivering business value while building maintainable applications with tests and embracing standards.

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  • Ruby
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • SQL
  • CSS
  • HTML


  • Express
  • Electron
  • Ruby on Rails
  • Jest
  • Phaser3
  • Rspect


  • React
  • Redux
  • D3
  • Bulma
  • Bootstrap
  • Cypress
  • Puppeteer
  • Capybara


  • PostgreSQL
  • Mongo
  • SQLite3


  • Git
  • GitLab
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes
  • Heroku
  • Netlify
  • Firebase
  • AWS
  • Linux

I'm always interested in hearing about new projects, so please be in touch.

© 2023 Copyright: Pablo Zambrano